You're not crazy for using Google reverse image searches to verify your Tinder date is who they say they are. It can be a detective-esque tool to determine who someone is who they say they are.Related sites and pictures will also be revealed.Once an exact match is revealed, it's displayed along with the varying sizes found.A breakdown of the analysis is compared with millions of possible Google-accessed images.The image under processing is checked for distinctive colors, lines, textures, and points.A Google reverse image search has the following principle of operation:.Pinterest pictures you've posted fall under the former. This reverse search works on different types of images they can be anything, from pictures you've uploaded to stock photos. Through this action, one can discover other photos related to the image's subject, the picture's origins, and the person's true identity. The image is instead processed through software like Google and TinEye tracing the complete digital footprint of the picture in question. It's the opposite of viewing images on a website or platform you're currently actively on. This process means exactly what it implies. DoNotPay is dedicated to keeping your confidential information and details safe in a much easier way. While there are ways of achieving this outcome yourself, it's complicated and tedious to implement, in addition to requiring quite a bit of research to pull off. Is it possible to prevent your private details from being used for weird, unapproved purposes? You can protect your Pinterest from these scammers and spammers. In addition to search engines, platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn can also be potentially vulnerable spots. This can be information about where you studied, where you work, or your weekend habits more nefarious individuals may use this data for identity theft. Yet, did you know you can find out almost anything about anyone by conducting reverse image searches on pics using Google and other search engines? Thanks to the internet, smartphones, and social media, privacy is hard to maintain in today's world. Photo Ninja How Can I Stop Pinterest Images In Google Image Search? How Can I Stop Pinterest Images In Google Image Search?