* Never use the pulse grenades in closed compartments or near essential This will give you just enough time to heal yourself or use Low on health and/or energy, use the energy pistols secondary fire to When fighting a tough character as the Predator (i.e. To people talk or waiting for one guy to leave. You have to get a person by themself to get a host. When you play as the facehugger in the first part of the alien campign Note: these cheats work only for the european version of the game Mpbeamme - Teleport to level start with default conditions To enter the cheat console press enter and than type one Mpwpos Edit - (with keys) weapon offset 2 Mpwmpos Edit - (with keys) weapon offset 1 Mpbreach Edit - (with keys) weapon breach Mplightscale - Edit (with keys) light scale

Mplightadd - Edit (with keys) light amplification Mpvertextint - Edit (with keys) vertext tint Mpicu - 3rd person mode on/off (HUD doesn't visible in this mode) Mpbeamme - Beam player to level start with initial conditions Mpstockpile - Full ammo (maybe with differences?) If you retype it the cheat code gets disabled. The codes given below and then press enter to enable it. While in game press "Enter" and type with then a space and type Predator 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Predator 2 Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, TipsĪlien Vs.